
Certain aromas that bring me back to my childhood:
-Mint leaves growing in the front yard that my dad would collect and put in iced tea
-strong smell of Basil leaves
-white lilies brought from the grocery store

I am currently sitting outside and enjoying nature. I marvel at God's beautiful creation. The birds. The shades of green surrounding me. I see the tall bamboo...lush trees' leaves moving slightly in the breeze. I love the warm weather and I feel at peace on this fine day of July. The nature and sounds brings me back to my childhood memories. I used to go to the countryside of my county or go to wild West Virginia and read books or play outside with my companions. My tan chihuahua would walk around and I would pet it. Now I see a dark black squirrel walking across on the branch and I am astonished at how that squirrel is not afraid of heights. Yet I am intimidated of heights. I think we all should be more like squirrels, not afraid despite high risk of falling. It is important to find stability in tides of changes. For instance, for years I see that one lonely tree in an open field even while I grow up and life goes on. That tree is still there while I am in the car, the car moving past that tree on way to school or to home. It is almost as if that tree will be there even long after I am gone. Hopefully, no one or developers will cut it down. Even so, we must accept changes...the inevitable. Sometimes changes are good for us. Sometimes changes are not good for us.
Find that one stable symbol in your life and reflect about the changes in your life.

*This post was originally written in August 2017


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