Christmas December 2019

Quote of the day: Some Christmas tree ornaments do more than glitter and glow, they represent a gift of love given a long time ago. -Tom Baker Merry Christmas everyone! I like this website because it has 75 best Christmas quotes and they definitely sum up my feelings about Christmas! Here is the link: During my winter break, I will read books and relax. My goal in 2020 is to write more in my journal and type stories. I had a great Christmas day with family and loved ones. My sister made me hot cocoa with coconut whipped cream and I ate baked brownies with icing on top! I love seeing Christmas decor on people's homes and I just love the bright colors. This year, I got comfy socks and a nice shirt from my dad. I got Miranda Kerr's KORA skincare products which was on my wishlist from my mom. Also, my sister got me candles, a bookmark with a quote about winter printed on it, a peaceful painting card of a g...